Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break

Well this week is Spring Break for me, and believe me it is well deserved for all of us. Spring Sing went great. We got 8th I believe, but despite what place we got, I really had a lot of fun working with my sisters to make an awesome show. Yes our wigs were nappy, and those costumes were terribly hot, but in the end it was all worth it.

The week after Spring Sing is always a drag. It's the week everyone is getting sick, because they've finally slowed down. It's the week that teachers schedule all the tests because they know that no one will study if it's during the week of Spring Sing. We had club meeting on Tuesday, and just about everyone I talked to either had a cold, the flu, or just felt like poop. We made it through that week though, and we only had one more week until Spring Break. I'm just saying, everyone on campus was dragging by this point, but Spring Break is here and we're all enjoying it.

I'm jealous of many of my friends because a lot of them have gone to the beach, or they've gone somewhere, but I'm still on campus working. Needless to say campus is definitely a ghost town without anyone here, but I've actually enjoyed my alone time. I can sleep whenever I want and come and go as I please without a set schedule. It's great. This past weekend we celebrated my nephew's birthday and he's 1 and totally adorable.

I'm not really looking forward to starting classes back up after break, but after that I only have a month of school left then I'm going to Europe!! (63 days, 2 hours, and 27 minutes until we leave, thanks to my handy dandy countdown app) I'm so pumped to go to Europe with my group. Everyone seems excited to go, and I think we're going to get a long well. I just can't believe I'm actually going. Funny right? I've made two payments already and I've started buying stuff, yet I still can't believe that I'm going. Maybe it'll finally hit me when I get on the plane.

6 weeks in Europe is going to be fantastic. I can honestly say I have never been away from my family, or my boyfriend that long, so it's going to be an testing time, but I think I'll be able to handle it. Hopefully they can too ;)

Some things that are coming up in my world are officer elections for club (yes I'm running for something yay!) Banquet is coming, which I'm super pumped about because it's at the zoo :) annnnddd I think that's all the exciting stuff for now. I'll try to keep ya posted.

Song of the Day: What Makes you Beautiful - One Direction