Well, it's official. I'm done with my first year of college. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday I was just starting high school then moving to Edmond, and now I'm already in college and 1/4 of the way done. (Maybe more).
As I look around the dorm it kinda puts a damper on my day because I see all the bare doors where people's decorations used to be. Through the open doors I see people packing up all their stuff and saying goodbye. It's bittersweet. It's amazing to know that we've survived our first year of college, but it stinks to know that we won't all be together in the fall.
My roommate and I are checking out tomorrow afternoon. I took a shower this morning and was thinking to myself how bittersweet it was that it may be my last shower to take in the dorms. I'm not going to miss wearing flip flops to the shower, or cleaning someone else's hair off the wall, but besides those minor setbacks, the showers are half-way decent.
I think the main thing I'm going to miss is having all my friends within walking distance of me. My best friends live in the same hall, and all I have to do is walk to their room and we have a good time. This summer it isn't going to be like that. Most of my friends will be hours away, and I'll be here.
I'm anxious to see how my summer turns out. I'm working full-time on campus, so it's going to stink coming to work everyday, and not seeing all my friends. It'll be weird for me to be on campus and nobody else to be here too. But it'll make the fall well worth the wait.
So many relationships have started this year, and a few have ended, but I know it's for the better. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me the next few years, cause I definitely don't know.
Finals have gone well. I'm pretty sure I passed all my classes. Okay, I know I passed all of them, I just don't know if I passed them as well as I wanted to yet. We'll see. I still can't believe how fast this year went, and I'm hoping the next few won't go quite as fast.
So many things to think about this summer... Studying abroad, Rush, Spring Sing, Social Life, and all kinds of random junk.
It's gonna be a good summer. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Yay for making a lot of money right? Gotta save up for Vienna. :)
Well I guess that's all I have for now. Sorry for all the random thoughts :)
Song of the Day: I Feel Pretty/ Unpretty - Glee
We're roommates and best friends.
This pretty much defines our life.
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