It's been a little over a month since I blogged last... I guess that means nothing is on my mind and nothing is going on. lol
All in all my summer has been pretty chill. I've been working all day, then I'll go work out, then go home skype someone and go to bed.
Recently I've been meeting with my Co-director for Wishing Well so we can plan some of the things we are going to do this year. And might I say, it's going to be pretty amazing. Well, at least I hope it's going to be. We have some pretty awesome plans and I'm super pumped to see what happens this year.
But, it's all in God's hands.
I honestly can't wait for school to start. I haven't felt like this since I was in elementary school. lol I move back into the dorms on August 17th. Which is only 21 days away. Then classes start in 32 days. I honestly can't wait.
There are going to be so many things going on this year. I'll have classes, Rush, Wishing Well, boyfriend, friends, and so many other things. I'm so excited to see how fantastic this year is. But I definitely miss all of my friends, and I'm really happy that I'm going to lunch with some of them today :)
Anyways this is my life at the moment. Boring but exciting at the same time.
Song of the Day - This is the Stuff - Francessca Battestilli
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