Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Breathe. Just Breathe.

My goodness... I can't believe it's been this long since I blogged. So basically this semester has flown by. I can't believe it's already dead week and finals are less than a week away. This semester has been one of my favorites so far. I love my social club. I seriously can't tell you how thankful I am that I rushed it. All of the girls are amazing, and no matter how bad my mood is, they always brighten my day. I've made so many memories this semester with them that I can't wait for the next couple years.

In October Seth and I celebrated our one year! I am so thankful that God blessed me with such an amazing man. He always makes my day better every time I talk to him. This past week was a pretty rough one. I had a ton of homework, I was getting sick, and it wasn't a good time. My friends tried to cheer me up, but it wasn't working. But Seth came up that weekend, and the second I saw him all my problems seemed to disappear because he was there. This weekend really helped me get ready for finals and I'm so excited for my future with him.

Moving on... I know you guys don't want to read about the mushy gushy boyfriend stuff. School is going well. I'm ready to be done with all my finals and start new classes. I have a final this Sunday night, then three on Monday, and I'm done. Then for the rest of the week I'm working multiple. YAY! I got a new job for the Christmas season... haha I'm working at an outdoor skating rink, which my boss is crazy and can't keep anything straight, but it's extra cash right? So now I'm basically working four jobs. Gotta love it. ;)

Oh and I've started making my plans for this summer.... and guess where I'm going!?! :) EUROPE!!! I got accepted into OC's Study Abroad in Europe, so for 6 weeks I will traveling with some amazing OC people, and some of my closest friends. I am so excited. The only downfall is, my parents want me to pay for it all myself, which I'm going to try, but after talking to the financial aid office, my dream became a lot more achievable. :)

Needless to say, my life is going pretty well right now. God has blessed me way beyond what I deserve, and I am so thankful. I'm trying to get my life back on track with him and all the pieces are starting to fit together.

One of the verses that is helping me make it through this week is Deuteronomy 31:8 "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Song of the Day: When we Stand Together - Nickelback

Here are some pictures highlighting the semester. Maybe I'll have more later. :)

Pi Zeta Phi celebrating Homecoming!

Playing in the rain with some of my favorite Pi girls :)

Working at Habitat for Humanity.

My mom and I at OC's Lighting of the Commons.

Fall Banquet :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

πΖΦ (Pi Zeta Phi)

These past few weeks of my life have been pretty crazy. When I wrote my last blog, Rush was just beginning. But now, it is officially over. I'm am now a member of Pi Zeta Phi (Whoop Whoop!!) Our plant is the Tree, and our mascot is the Bear Cub. We have an official verse which is Psalms 1:3. "She is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever she does prospers."

Last week we had interviews and such for club. Then Friday after chapel all of the people that rushed had to run to their mailboxes to see if they got a letter from the club. I don't know about you, but for me that was nerve racking. All I could think about was getting so excited about opening my mailbox, and I wasn't gonna have a letter in it. But no worries, there was one there. On the letter we were told to go meet our club somewhere on campus, and when I got there, everyone was super excited. We went out to eat, and we met for inductions later that night.

Wanna no what we did at inductions? We had chicken sandwiches in the caf, and we went to see Lion King in 3D. And let me just say it was such a blast. :) Then later that night we found out who was in our families, and my family is by far the best.

This past week was Greek Week. Basically my family divided the 3 littles amongst themselves, and we had to do whatever they told us to do. Okay, we didn't HAVE to do it, but we did anyway because that's what makes it fun. (I have to say that because of the Hazing laws... haha) So anyway this is my big. I'm so thankful that God blessed me with her. All week she was super excited about club and she didn't give me that many crazy things to do ;) I love her!

So all this week I've been going to chapel, eating lunch, and hanging out with my family every night. And it was such a blast. I'm so excited to see what God has planned for our club and our family this year. He definitely blessed me with the best bigs and other cubbies ever.

Here's a little taste of what my week has been like.
This is from the Scavenger Hunt Monday night.

Softball Championship!! (We Won!!)

We went to Build a Bear together :)

We love ice cream :)

And finally last night we had our final dinner so now we are "officially" members of Pi. :)

I know this blog has been pretty long, and it's definitely full of excitement, but let me just tell you how much God has been working in my life. I had a talk with one of my fellow cubbies a couple nights ago, and I just opened up and told her a lot that's been going on and how I've been struggling with my faith lately. Which I have. I haven't wanted to go to church, study my Bible, or even pray. But God purposely put her in my family so that I would be able to talk to her about anything. It was so amazing to be able to open up to her and for God to speak through her to me.

So I'm really anxious to see what God has in store for me this year, because I know it's going to be amazing.

Peace out.
Mighty to Save

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A New Beginning.

It's the middle of September which means that school has started. So far, it's been pretty great. I'm adjusting to the change of this year. Who knew things could be so different? Coming back this year was amazing. I got to participate in what I saw all the upperclassmen doing last year. What you might ask? It's that slow scene where one girl sees her friend across campus, they scream, and run to each other and give each other the biggest hug ever.

It's moments like these that I live for. I've been able to catch up with friends that I haven't seen since May. I've started new friendships, and I've gotten a lot closer to friends that I wasn't so close with last semester.

With the coming of the new year, also comes the many decisions that I will have to make this semester. One of which is what Club I'm going to rush. Rush week started the first week of school, so all the sophomore class has been doing the past few weeks is class, homework, rush events, and maybe sleeping if we're lucky. There are so many clubs to choose from. For girls alone there are six. Six may not seem like that many, but at OC they're all so closely related, it makes it hard to choose. So to help us choose we go to multiple rush events over a course of three weeks and try to determine which club we'll fit in best.

Another decision I have to make is what I want to do for next summer. OC offers multiple study abroad opportunities, internships, and mission trips. Or I could work my butt off and save my money, or just relax. Of course, the last one isn't an option, but I like to think so. I'm waiting for God to help me determine what he wants me to do this next summer. I just hope he shows it to me soon.

So that's a little taste of what's going on in my life. I have a ton of Wishing Well stuff going on as well, which I'll try to update you about soon. But for now you should come to our event this Friday at 8 in the Forum at OC. It's a free concert performed by Jessa Anderson. It's open to the public and even being advertised on Air1. So you should come.

Here's what she sounds like!
Song of the Day:
Fireflies - Jessa Anderson

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This is the Stuff...

It's been a little over a month since I blogged last... I guess that means nothing is on my mind and nothing is going on. lol

All in all my summer has been pretty chill. I've been working all day, then I'll go work out, then go home skype someone and go to bed.

Recently I've been meeting with my Co-director for Wishing Well so we can plan some of the things we are going to do this year. And might I say, it's going to be pretty amazing. Well, at least I hope it's going to be. We have some pretty awesome plans and I'm super pumped to see what happens this year.

But, it's all in God's hands.

I honestly can't wait for school to start. I haven't felt like this since I was in elementary school. lol I move back into the dorms on August 17th. Which is only 21 days away. Then classes start in 32 days. I honestly can't wait.

There are going to be so many things going on this year. I'll have classes, Rush, Wishing Well, boyfriend, friends, and so many other things. I'm so excited to see how fantastic this year is. But I definitely miss all of my friends, and I'm really happy that I'm going to lunch with some of them today :)

Anyways this is my life at the moment. Boring but exciting at the same time.
Song of the Day - This is the Stuff - Francessca Battestilli

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today

Six years ago on Sunday, I decided to give my life to Christ on Father's Day. As cliche as it is, I thought it was a great Father's Day present to him. Since then, a lot of trials and obstacles have come into my life. Some of which have pulled me away from him, others have brought me closer.

At the moment, I'm still on my way back. Moving was one of the biggest obstacles I've had to overcome. When we first moved here, we couldn't find a church that we all could agree on. I wanted a close youth group just like my old one. I wanted an amazing youth minister, just like my old one. And that was the problem. I wasn't open to change. I wanted things to be as close to my old church as possible, which was never going to happen.

So I decided that I just wouldn't go to church, and unfortunately that continued for a long time. I would go to church, but I wouldn't care that I was there. It was just something I did, it wasn't something I wanted to do.

But things are changing, and God is definitely moving in my life.

Yesterday Jessica Hatcher passed away. She was a girl that went to my high school. I never knew her until I saw her in the parking lot one day, and I couldn't figure out why she was bald. Finally the pieces came together and I realized she was the cancer victim that our school was raising money for. By the end of my senior, her junior year, she beat the cancer and things were going great. When I went back to my school to visit this past year thought, the cancer had come back. And unfortunately it took her life last night.

There wasn't a time that I saw her that she didn't have a smile on her face. She's an excellent example of how God wants us to act. No matter what obstacles are thrown in our path, we should be happy because we have God. He's the one we can always rely on, when everyone else bails on us.

She truly will be missed here, but we all know that she is in a better place and she isn't suffering anymore.

She has opened my eyes to realize how limited our time is here on earth, so why should we waste our time worrying about who's dating who, and what the next big thing is? We should be focusing on what is important, like all the people out there that don't know a thing about Christ. "Go therefore into all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." The verb in that is GO. Jesus told us to GO and tell the whole world about him. So why are we sitting on our lazy butts and not showing Jesus' love to others.

We should be helping those in our communities that are less fortunate. We should be helping those in other countries that can't even feed their own families. We should be helping. Not basking in all our worldly goods.

Okay I'll step off my soapbox now. But really, what are we doing?

Song of the Day: Give me Your Eyes - Brandon Heath

Thursday, June 16, 2011


This summer so far has been pretty laid back. Compared to last summer, it sucks, but I still have faith that it will get better. Basically I'm just working my butt off this summer to save my money because I'm very bad at that.

I'm working on campus, babysitting, working at a church, and taking any other opportunities that come up. On top of that I'm trying to make time for my friends and boyfriend so that I can actually enjoy my summer as well.

So far, it's working out. I wish I could just sleep until whenever, go to the lake everyday, and enjoy my summer, but I'm afraid I'm out in the real world now.

On a happier note, I've actually started going to church again, and I really enjoy it. I didn't realize how much I missed it. I was bummed that I didn't get an internship for the summer, but I think God was trying to tell me that I wasn't ready for that yet. I needed to figure out where I was with my relationship with him before I tried to start guiding a bunch of confused teenage kids.

But I'm excited to see what's going to happen next summer.

Some more good news, I got my ear pierced :)

So this may have been a very pointless blog, but it's the best I could do with my boring life ;)
Song of the day: Breath - Anna Nalick

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The past few days

I've had a rough last couple of days. I ran into my ex-best friend at Wal-mart the other day, and I couldn't get the guts to even go into the store because we haven't talked since like August. If you don't know me very well, I can't handle it when people don't like me, or if we have a problem. I like to fix things. So needless to say this has bothered me ever since then. I thought I was over it, until I saw her.

I called my friend and made her come to Wal-mart with me just so I wouldn't have to go alone. Not gonna lie, we handled the situation pretty immaturely, but it was the only way I was going to make it through without completely breaking down.

Yesterday I met her mom to get some of my stuff that I've been trying to get for awhile, but we've both been so busy it hasn't been possible. All day my stomach was in knots because I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I knew I was going to cry. There was no avoiding that. So adding to the stress she was late getting there because she had to find my stuff, so that only made the knots and butterflies and everything else going on in my stomach even worse. When she finally got there she just had a huge smile on her face and said she was so happy to see me.

We started talking about my first year of college, what we've both been up to and so on. Then we started talking about what happened between her daughter and I. She doesn't understand it, and I still don't. She asked me if I'd prayed about it. I said I'd tried but that just wasn't the answer I wanted. She said that she's the same way. She doesn't like to wait for an answer she just wants to fix everything herself. At this point we kept going on about some minor details about what could have happened and of course I lost it. I felt as if I lost my other mom in all of this mess.

She had done so much for me last year. She made my prom dress, bought stuff for me, took me to the lake, let me vent to her, gave me advice, and let me stay at her house all the time. I honestly thought she was going to hate me when we met. But it's the polar opposite. She said she thinks about me often and that I'm still like a daughter to her.

Last night I went to church with my little freshman and we had a praise night. It was just what I needed. I haven't had that in so long it's crazy. Then she and I talked after and it really helped a lot. She said she understands how I feel and she wants to know what happened just as much as I do.

I'm sorry this is such a depressing post. Just thought I'd let you know what's happened the last few days. I've been kinda quiet lately cause I'm trying to figure things out.

I guess we'll see what happens.

Song of the day:
Mighty to Save - Hillsong

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So I'm apologizing in advance for how random this blog may be. I'm not quite sure what may end up in here, so bear with me.

A lot has been on my mind lately mostly my spiritual life... well the lack there of. Confession time.


For me lately, I've been going because other people expect me to be there, not because I want to go. I've been going to make people happy. So I took a job specifically on Sunday mornings during church because I didn't have a church that I liked going to. Since I moved here, I haven't found a church that I've enjoyed going to. I tolerated my old one because my parents liked it, and it wasn't big. And I've tried others, but I never really gave them a chance because I didn't want to go. And to be honest, I can't tell you the last time that I went to church on a Wednesday night, until tonight.

God's been working in my life a lot lately. He took friends out of my life that were pulling me away from him, and he put new ones in that are pulling me back to him. Now, I just have to let myself be pulled back to him. I miss what it felt like after I first became a Christian. I wish I could feel like that all the time. I hate that I'm not completely on fire for God anymore. It's not that I'm a completely different person. I still do things that you would expect Christians to do, but I don't do them because I'm a Christian, I do them because I enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that I did something nice for someone else.

The last few days have really opened my eyes again. I've been hanging out with people that are Christians and go to church on a regular basis. And though they may not know it, they really are making a difference in my spiritual life. I've finally come to the realization that I need to make some changes. These changes will be made at my own pace, and when I decide for them to happen, but things are going to be different.

Another thing I realized is why God didn't let my summer plans work out. I wasn't ready to do what I thought I was ready to do. I thought I was ready to do this specific job, but God knew I wasn't. He knew that I had some issues to work out before I started dealing with other people's. I realize that now. And honestly, I'm glad it happened. I'm glad that he didn't let things follow my plan, because who knows where I would end up.

Needless to say, I'm going to need prayers. I can't do this on my own. But I know that this will be for the better. It's time to be the person I'm meant to be and to stop being a pew warmer. Or not even going at all. Now is when things are going to be different. Let's see how this works out.

I feel as if there are a few songs that are perfect for this blog. So here we go.
The Motions - Matthew West
I'm Letting Go - Francesca Battistelli
Give me your eyes - Brandon Heath

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Acts of Kindness.

It's official. I passed all my classes with a 3.6 yet again. :) I love the relief I felt when I finally saw my grades. It's amazing how something can affect your life so dramatically.

So this summer is going alright so far. I caught myself asking a friend the other day when she was going to come visit. Then she brought reality back into my life and told me that we've only been moved out of the dorms for a week, so she wouldn't be back for a while. You mean it has only been a week since I moved out?! I feel like it's been so much longer than that. It seems like it should be half way through my summer already, but it's not. It's only the second week.

Work is going well. Being here 8-5 isn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. I really enjoy spending time with my co-workers (Good thing I don't hate them right?). We make things fun ;) Last Friday we had Take Flight for our first group of incoming freshmen. My job was to take all their ID pictures, so I got to see every single one of them, and they're looking like a pretty good group of kids.

For us, the day was so stressful. We had to take each ID picture, have each of them sign two forms, give them a case for their laptop, give them their laptop, give them an adapter, then make sure they could sign in to everything on their laptop. Needless to say that was crazy. But the best part of the day was seeing the excitement on all of their faces when they finally got that laptop. But then there were a few that didn't select their laptop early so they didn't get their laptop that day, and it was kinda sad to see the look on their faces.

The point is, it doesn't take much to make someone's day. For them, it was giving them a laptop. For me, it was seeing their faces when they got the laptop. Giving laptops away seems kinda pricy to make someone happy right? Well for OC it's normal.

So challenge of the day. Go make someone's day by smiling at a stranger, or giving someone a hug, or saying something nice to someone. I promise it doesn't take much.

The generous person will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered. - Proverbs 11:25

Song of the Day: Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well, it's official. I'm done with my first year of college. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday I was just starting high school then moving to Edmond, and now I'm already in college and 1/4 of the way done. (Maybe more).

As I look around the dorm it kinda puts a damper on my day because I see all the bare doors where people's decorations used to be. Through the open doors I see people packing up all their stuff and saying goodbye. It's bittersweet. It's amazing to know that we've survived our first year of college, but it stinks to know that we won't all be together in the fall.

My roommate and I are checking out tomorrow afternoon. I took a shower this morning and was thinking to myself how bittersweet it was that it may be my last shower to take in the dorms. I'm not going to miss wearing flip flops to the shower, or cleaning someone else's hair off the wall, but besides those minor setbacks, the showers are half-way decent.

I think the main thing I'm going to miss is having all my friends within walking distance of me. My best friends live in the same hall, and all I have to do is walk to their room and we have a good time. This summer it isn't going to be like that. Most of my friends will be hours away, and I'll be here.

I'm anxious to see how my summer turns out. I'm working full-time on campus, so it's going to stink coming to work everyday, and not seeing all my friends. It'll be weird for me to be on campus and nobody else to be here too. But it'll make the fall well worth the wait.

So many relationships have started this year, and a few have ended, but I know it's for the better. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me the next few years, cause I definitely don't know.

Finals have gone well. I'm pretty sure I passed all my classes. Okay, I know I passed all of them, I just don't know if I passed them as well as I wanted to yet. We'll see. I still can't believe how fast this year went, and I'm hoping the next few won't go quite as fast.

So many things to think about this summer... Studying abroad, Rush, Spring Sing, Social Life, and all kinds of random junk.

It's gonna be a good summer. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Yay for making a lot of money right? Gotta save up for Vienna. :)

Well I guess that's all I have for now. Sorry for all the random thoughts :)

Song of the Day: I Feel Pretty/ Unpretty - Glee
We're roommates and best friends.

This pretty much defines our life.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Freshman Year Say What?

I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was graduating from high school, and now I'm 2 classes, and 5 finals away from being done with my freshman year of college.


I remember being so nervous about starting school because I wasn't going to know anyone, and I wanted to go to college with my high school friends. I'm really glad my parents convinced me not to. Those friends have gone, and new ones have taken their place.

It's going to be crazy to not see all my friends for four months. FOUR MONTHS. My summer will be spent working full-time, babysitting, and working any other chance I get. (gotta save up for Vienna)

My goal is to save enough money to go to Vienna next summer with a group of my friends. I think it will be an amazing experience.

So I've had a lot of stuff on my mind lately. I guess all the stress has finally caught up with me this week so I've been thinking a lot. Part of it is that I don't have a plan for next semester anymore. I don't have a roommate, which scares me to death because what if I end up rooming with someone I don't like? I can't handle that.

I know God has a plan. It's SO hard to trust him when it comes to this sort of thing. But it'll be okay.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure I won't be blogging for a week or so, because finals are now going to take over my life. But here are some pictures from the last few weeks :)

Freshman Banquet! :)

Dying Easter Eggs with the family :)

Hanging out at the Housing Celebration!

The Besties at a RedHawks Game :)

I guess that's all for now. Here's the song :)

The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars

This defines my life right now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

God Is In The Little Places.

Dead week is fast approaching, although I feel like this week is dead week and next will be deader than a doornail week... I guess all the teachers decide to make everything due around the same time just to stress us college kids out. Or maybe we just love to procrastinate so it seems like we have a ton to do all at once... No I'm pretty sure its the first choice.

Anyways I have multiple projects due this week, three tests, and homework. Next week I have about the same, and the next week is Finals. Everyone knows what Finals stands for right... Well if you don't know, ask someone else. :)

Last night I had a pretty good night. I had our Wishing Well Officer meeting because it was postponed from Sunday. We hung up flyers for our event this Thursday. Then I met up with one of my best friends from high school Jamie.

Let me tell ya, I love this girl to death. She's such a great girl, and I'm so STOKED for her to be coming to OC next year. Anyways, I invited her to come to View63 (again) and this time she came. It was AMAZING. She and I were singing like nobody else was there, and I've never felt God move in me so much. He really is everywhere. Not just in big church, or chapel, or devos, or whatever. He's there with you no matter what. I don't know what I'm gonna do without View in the summer.

To be honest, I wasn't sure how my experience was at OC was going to be. In the beginning I was excited to meet new friends, a boy (gotta get that MRS degree), and have a glorious time. But once school started I wasn't sure that was going to happen. I had a few friends, but not the close ones I wanted. But this semester has changed that. I've gotten closer to SO many different people that I know I can go to no matter what. We've already been faced with some struggles, and we resolved them with a very little amount of drama (which is good when it comes to girls). I really am thankful that God has blessed me with such a great group of friends. I can't imagine what this year would have been like without them.

I guess I'm done rambling. :)
Song of the day:
Thank you for being a friend - Andrew Gold

Or for you Golden Girls Fans


Monday, March 28, 2011


So I know I said I'd write more about my Spring Break trip, but I don't really want to. lol
It was a great trip though, and I'd probably go again because once we started doing stuff, it was great. It was when we weren't doing anything that I really just wanted to go home.

There are officially 4 weeks left of my first year in college.
Let me say that again...

What? I mean I'm pretty sure I just graduated high school like last week, and I was starting college yesterday. I can't believe it's almost over. It's crazy.

I'm not gonna lie, I love college. I love being somewhat out on my own (minus curfew and seeing my family ALL the time). I love living in the dorms with my friends. I like the majority of my classes. (I'm not a fan of going to class, but its part of college, or so they tell me) I love my job. So it's been pretty great.

I finally decided on a major that I think I'm really going to enjoy. I guess I'll find out in the fall if I really like it or not. I just can't grasp the fact that my first year of college is coming to a close so quickly. I'm not ready to leave my friends. If I had the choice, I'd probably live in the dorms all the time just to be around them. lol I know it sounds weird, but it's nice having my friends that close.

There's a few things that I'm not looking forward to about this summer. One, working full-time and probably doing other jobs on the side. I know I need to make a lot of money since I totally slacked off last summer. (It was totally worth it though). Two, not being able to go do whatever I want, whenever I want. Three, not having any friends really. That's one thing I'm really upset about. The friends that I did have from high school drifted away, and things just ended when we all started college. Things happen. But this summer is gonna be a rough one.

On the bright side though, I met some people from college that are from here too, so I won't be totally alone :) Thank you Jesus.

I guess that's all I have for now.

Song of the day:
Top Priority - Tal & Acacia

Monday, March 21, 2011

Walking in Memphis!

Sorry for the long time of not writing...

This past week I went on a mission trip to Memphis, Tennessee. Needless to say it was quite the experience. The first couple days weren't so great, but it progressively got better. The first day we were there (Sunday), we went to church, and went to buy food for the rest of the week and we hung out at a girls house.
Whitney and I at the Welcome Center. haha

The next day (Monday) was when we were supposed to begin our mission work. We were going to rake leaves at a house and clean it up, and also hand out flyers for the multiple VBS's we were going to host during the week. Well it ended up raining, so we didn't clean up the house, and we didn't hand out flyers. Instead we just went to see where we would be having our VBS's and we cleaned the church a little. After that we went to the Civil Rights Museum in downtown Memphis. It was pretty neat seeing where MLK had been shot, and things like that. Well my friend and I beasted it through the museum so we ended up having like an hour of free time, so we decided to explore the city around the museum. (Don't worry, we didn't go far) We got a little glimpse of the city and Lexi took quite a few pictures. :)
This was a woman's booth outside the Civil Rights Museum. She's been protesting for 23 years...
Lexi and I :)

Tuesday was the supposedly the big day. We handed out our flyers to the three different locations and we were done. We passed out flyers at a trailer park not too far from the church, an apartment complex a few blocks down the street, and the neighborhood right next to the church. It was pretty fun, and it was really cold, but we had a good time. After we were finished with that, we went back to Mrs. Judy's house, (where the girls were staying) and we couldn't figure out what we wanted for dinner. We finally decided on Rendevous, which is a BBQ place in downtown. It was AMAZING. lol Granted, we didn't get enough to eat because there was eleven of us trying to eat for cheap, but it was still pretty good.
Playing fun games with the kids :)

Wednesday was an interesting day. We handed out our flyers the day before, so we were ready to start our VBS's. We went to the first place, and.... no kids showed up. So we went back to the church had lunch, and went to the next VBS spot. We had quite a few kids there. They were really good. They listened to us, they participated in the singing (which I led), and seemed interested. Finally we went to the last spot, and that was.... entertaining. These kids are the complete opposite of the group before them, but we still had fun. In addition to this, we suspected something was wrong with our van, because the battery gauge was low. So we just kept going all day to see if something was really wrong. Dinner time rolls around and we are on our way to Wendy's. Pretty soon the blinkers stop working and the window won't roll up so we decided to take it to the shop. So our "leader" dropped all of us off at Wendy's to eat, and took the van in. Then eventually some people from church came and picked us up so we wouldn't be stranded. We figured out that the alternator went out, so it costs us about $600.
One of the cutest girls ever. Her name is Jaz.

Thursday. By this time, we were getting worn out, but we still kept going. We went to the first VBS spot, and this time a couple kids showed up. Instead of all of us sitting around though, only four of us stayed and the rest went to go work on the house. We played with the kids and had a good time. After we had stayed there for the time, we went and ate lunch then continued on with the other VBS's. The last one again was quite the adventure. A lot of the little boys were quite rowdy. One of the kids probably about 5 or 6, showed up with plastic guns in his pants thinking he was all that. None of the kids were well-behaved, and it was not something I was used to. There were some girls though that really stole my heart. They weren't interested in playing with the boys and their parents wouldn't let them walk over by themselves. So we played volleyball instead. Basically by the end of the week, Lexi and I had taught them how to play volleyball pretty well, and I hope to see them grow up well despite of where they live.
The AMAZING barbeque that Mrs. Judy cooked us Thursday for dinner :)

Friday. The last day. I was very thankful that Friday had finally come. I didn't really have much fun at the beginning of the week, and now I was just plain tired. Instead of going to the first VBS we went to rake and clean at the other house. We had a really good time, and ended up filling 36 bags with leaves. Thats a TON. So then lunch and the other VBS's rolled around and it was a normal day. Friday night we went to eat with the boys house parents and had a great time. We got cupcakes afterwards (which were AMAZING) and we were supposed to go hang out downtown, but everyone was too tired... (lame excuse)
Cupcake :) It was amazing.
All the bags of leaves...

Sorry this is so long, but I hope you made it through. :)
I'll write more about it another day. Don't want you to be too overwhelmed. haha

Song of the day:
Walking in Memphis - Lonestar
(seems fitting right?)
It was stuck in our heads all week. :p

All the pictures were taken by Lexi, I just stole them. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Unwritten :)

Today has been a wonderful day. My nephew was born at 8:38A.M. He weighs 6.9 ounces, and is 18.5 inches long. He is the cutest baby I've ever seen in my life. (Totally unbiased opinion of course)
My sister-in-law and brother came to the hospital at 5 this morning, and she went into surgery around 8:20. It really didn't take long at all. I got to the hospital around 8 so I got to spend a little time with my brother before he went back.

My niece showed up not too long after me with my mom. We had a lot of fun. We made a few videos while we were sitting there. Here's one if you want to see it.

I love my family. I couldn't ask for a better one. I can't wait to see my niece and nephew grow up, but I hope it's not too fast.

Song of the Day:
Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's OVER!!

This past week has been ridiculously crazy. But if you'd like to see what I've been up to the past 2 months...

Here ya go!!

SO as I told you, I made it through Spring Sing! :)

We ended up getting 9th place, but who cares, it was fun.

I have a feeling that this week is going to be very busy. I have multiple projects due, and basically no time to do them. Next week is Spring Break.

I'm really excited. My friend and I are going on a mission tip to Memphis, Tennessee. We will be hosting a VBS in the mornings, doing some manual labor in the afternoons, and having fun in the evenings. I'm really looking forward to it. :)

It'll be the first mission trip I've ever been on, so I'm anxious to see how it goes.

I'll update you later this week hopefully. :)

Song of the Day:
Gravity - Sara Bareilles

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Letting Go.

Spring Sing week is finally here! This may or may not be the death of all of OC. So if you don't hear from me this week, you can blame it on Spring Sing.

We have practice/ tech run through every night, except for Wednesday. So it'll be pretty entertaining.

So the other night I had the most amazing dream ever. But, I know it isn't going to come true. What I hate the most is that a lot of people think every dream of theirs isn't going to come true. I know I think it. But why do we think that? With God everything is possible. So why do we have so little faith in him to think that even the simplest of dreams won't come true?

I guess that's one of the things I've been struggling with. Trusting God with everything is a lot harder than you think. I HATE not having control of things. When it comes to driving, I would rather drive than ride with someone else. When it comes to projects, or anything like that, I like to have control. I don't know why, but that is just how I am. So when it comes to my life, who better to be in control than me right? Wrong.

I know that if I have control of my life, things aren't going to end up in a good way. If God is in control, I know that everything will be perfectly fine in the end. So why is it so hard to trust him?

The answer is, I don't know.

But I sure wish I did.

This just gives you something to ponder :)

I'll write again hopefully at the end of Spring Sing.

Song of the Day:
I'm Letting Go - Francessca Battistelli

Friday, February 25, 2011

Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time.

How's that for a title?
I typed in "Life Sayings" into Google, and this is one of the quotes on the first site. I thought it was a great attention grabber ;)

So I'm not really sure what to blog about. But I'm bored at work, so this is usually when I do blog...

As of right now I have a break from Spring Sing until Monday; then the real fun begins.

So this weekend consists of relaxation, homework, fun, and spending time with my amazing boyfriend.

Weekend activities include the following:
Tonight - Going to see the Crucifer of Blood (a play at my school), because I get extra credit in one of my classes if I write a paper about it. (which I desperately need extra credit)
Saturday - WINTERJAM!!! Which begins around 3:30, because we want to be early of course. (HA)
Sunday - Church and who knows what else. :)

Lately I've been feeling not so great, but I'm trying not to let it affect my attitude. Yeah, I may feel like poo and I don't want to do anything, but I'm doing my best to not complain about it 24-7. (even though that may not be working)


I'll let you know how this weekend goes. :)

Pray that I can try and find a summer job. I'm going to e-mail about an internship today hopefully.

Peace out.

Song of the day:
You Never Let Go - Matt Redman

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

spring SING

It describes itself doesn't it?

For the past 2 months or so all I've heard is "It's called spring SING not spring dance..."

Needless to say Spring Sing has taken over my life. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it. I feel so accomplished because we have put this huge show together in less than a month. It's crazy.

I've seen many injuries from Spring Sing, and I think I may now be one of them. But I don't care, I'm doing the show. What's the saying?? Oh right... The show must go on. Sure they could fill my spot, but I'm not giving up that easy. I guess that's the stubborn side of me, but I worked hard. Nothing is going to stop me now.

So this week is kinda our break I guess. All we have this week is choreography approval on Thursday, and we're done until next week... Which next week is going to be a killer.

That's why this week is now devoted to homework time! YAYYYY!!!!! not. I have 2 midterm projects that are due, and quite a bit of homework to do. My goal is to finish those projects, and to get ahead on as much homework as possible so I don't get crazy behind next week.

Anyways life has been quite tiring. I'm enjoying it. But it's starting to get me.
I'm thankful for all my amazing friends. I couldn't imagine life without them.
Mostly I'm just thankful I have friends now. And I'm very glad that I met people at school from Edmond, so I'm not entirely alone all summer.

Some people really do come and go. I wish I could just move on.

SO song of the day:
I like it - Enrique Iglesias. (seems fitting right?)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So my weekend was pretty awesome. My boyfriend came to see me and we had a nice little weekend. We didn't really do anything particularly special for Valentine's Day, but who cares? I got to spend time with him. :)

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. My roommate and I decided we were going to dress up and go see my other friend who was working. So we ended up spending like 2 hours there with her, and it was really fun. Then when we got back we went to see one of our friends that we haven't seen in a long time. I decided I was just going to skip View63 and visit with him so I did.

Well we were hanging out in the student center and my friend was passing through late on her way to View63 and she was like hey are you going? So I changed my mind and went to View.

For those of you that don't know what View63 is, it's a devo on campus that is absolutely amazing. We sing together for about an hour every Monday night. Last night was amazing just like usual, only this time I felt like my heart for was sure into it. As we were singing all I could think about was being on the steps at my favorite church camp ever, Green Valley. All I could picture was looking up to the clear sky in the middle of nowhere Arkansas, and singing next to all my favorite people. I started crying because I knew that I wouldn't get to go back to camp this summer. But View is the closest opportunity I have. It was so uplifting and encouraging that I don't even regret leaving my friends to go.

Thank you God for sending my friend by me last night to make me change my mind. I really needed it.

Song of the Day:
Mighty to Save - Hillsong

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is quite overrated. Too much pink. Too many hearts. It's just another holiday. Don't get me wrong, it's GREAT when you actually have a Valentine (which I do have for once), but for those that don't have a significant other, it's just a day that people can rub in your face that you are single yet again. So instead most people go out with friends to celebrate Single Awareness Day.

Good times.

Well I'm excited for Valentine's Day. I love spending time with my boyfriend, and my friends of course, so it's going to be a great weekend. :)

The past couple days have been pretty fun. We had a snow day Wednesday, so of course I watched the new Glee. Which by the way was AMAZING if you haven't seen it yet. :p Anyways so my roommate and I were screaming about the new Glee for next week. and our neighbors came to see what the problem was. We told them we were watching Glee, and they hadn't ever watched it before. What?! So to fix that problem we started the first season with them. As of last night we watched about 8 episodes in 2 days, and we had school yesterday, so that was quite the task. Needless to say, they are both hooked on Glee now, so we're working really hard to get them caught up to this season. haha

So that's my life right now.

Born this Way - Lady Gaga

Great new song :)

Monday, February 7, 2011


Well it's Monday.

Mondays are usually awful right?
So far my day has been just that.

I woke up 30 minutes before class, had a mini panic attack because I thought I had a speech this morning. (no worries, mine isn't until Wednesday) Chapel was alright. Then I ate lunch by myself, which isn't fun when the whole school goes to lunch at the same time, and then had work. So far, its awful. I had one call that the guy was being rude about because nobody knew how to fix his issue. Then this other lady couldn't figure out how to get her internet to work at her house, so I had a 20 minute phone call, when someone else could have helped her in less time than that.

Sounds great right?

On top of that I have other issues that won't quit bugging me. Great fun.

Sorry this is a very depressing post. lol Just needed to vent.

I refuse - Josh Wilson

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Snow of Arctic Shivers

So I used a title generator for the title of this post... Creative huh? :p

Anyways so as my witty title suggests, I have had snow here for the past few days. We didn't have class Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, but we do have class today. I think it's kinda pointless, but that is just my opinion. haha

We had fun in the dorm. Tuesday we had a "Block Party" (well that's what Hope called it) and we hung out in the lobby of our dorm and played Apples to Apples, Spoons, we danced (I mean choreographed), and just sat and talked, and it was pretty fun. Wednesday I spent part of the day watching Castle (a TV show I'll tell you about in a minute) and I went to Wal-mart with my dad, then ran some other errands, AND went to go see my beautiful favorite niece. :) It was a pretty good day. Then Thursday I actually managed to do some homework, then cooked dinner for my friends, and then proceeded to help one of my friends with her homework for about 3 hours. Sounds fun huh?

So Castle... It's a TV that is new to me (obviously). We made it through season 1, and we are about half way into season 2. It's basically like Law and Order SVU, but better. It has more twisted murders, and don't think I'm a weirdo but it's interesting to see what the writers can come up with. Like whoever comes up with these has a very twisted mind. Anyways, so I'm addicted to yet another TV show. Just what I need right?

Class and work until 5 today. I'm pretty excited. NOT. At least we only had class 2 days this week. Hopefully my teachers won't overload me with homework this weekend. I was really enjoying my days off, and I'm hoping to continue them tomorrow.

Anyways, that's all I have for now.
Perfect by P!nk. (Make sure you listen to the clean version...)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crazy Life.

So this semester has been pretty busy so far. Well at least the first of the week has been. My life currently consists of classes, work, homework, Spring Sing, Wishing Well, and maybe sleep, if I'm lucky. So far I'm keeping up with my homework and such. I'm hoping it'll stay that way.

Spring Sing is so much fun. We've learned two songs all the way through with dancing, I mean choreography, so far, and we know the lyrics to almost all our songs. I'm pretty pumped. Right now we're learning a really hard part of one of the songs, and I'm working really hard to be able to learn it. So far, so good :)

There's not really much going on right now. Just school and hanging out with my friends.
This past weekend was pretty awesome. Friday night I just hung out with my neighbors, Saturday I worked on all my homework (sounds fun right?), and Sunday I went to church and saw a bunch of my old friends.

So needless to say I guess, I'm really enjoying college so far. I like being out on my own. I think my friends and I are going to study abroad next summer. If that's gonna happen I'm going to have to save a TON of money... Yay for working! haha

Anyways the song for the day is...
Stuck Like Glue - Sugarland
If you haven't seen the video, you should watch it. It'll definitely brighten your day :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The last time I even attempted to blog for real was probably Xanga. I sorta tried a blog this year, but it wasn't working out. So here we go again.

What to say.
It's school.

Class. Homework. Work. Meetings. Drama. Friends. Family.

Don't get me wrong. I love college. I'm excited to actually learn something that I may actually use in my future.

I've kinda been in a mellow mood. Just thinking a lot. Appreciating what God has placed in my life, and taking advantage of it as much as possible. God has blessed me tremendously. I have an amazing family that is always there for me no matter who I put before them. They will drop anything in a second to come help me. God has blessed me with friends that I can rely on, and the biggest blessing of all is his son Jesus that came and died for me.

I just wish I could remember this all the time. I wish I could live my life the way I think sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I'm working on it. But sometimes I wish I could just have everything put together. I know nobody "has it together," but some people can really put on a good show.

Anyways. God is really working in my life right now. I'm being tested. I have so many things going on right now, but I'm going to work this out and get my priorities straight.

I guess I'll end with a song.
What Love Really Means - JJ Heller.
Listen to the words. It'll make you think.